September 6th finally came! Scarlet's due date and Len's birthdate. She is now a "newborn," as opposed to"negative 2 weeks," or whatever. About a week after she arrived home, I asked Len what he wanted for his birthday and he said, "Diapers!" I suppose having a baby really does change life. So, for his birthday, Scarlet Rose got her Daddy a rather generous supply of diapers. She's not quite sure why he needs them so badly, since she likes to kick them away while we are changing her and then pee and poop all over the changing table and us... But, she got them anyways - along with a card!

So, here she is, excited about the big day - Daddy's birthday and her due date! Grandma Linda got her a party dress for the big occasion. She actually went to Michaels and bought a teddy bear's outfit! It fits perfectly!
Sorry about the sideways - I still can't figure out how to turn these pictures. I should stop taking them this way! But, here he is - look at all those candles he had to blow out!
The newest family picture. Happy birthday to Len, Happy duedate to Scarlet!

1 comment:
I love her little "teddy bear" dress. Way to go Grandma Linda!
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