Naturally, I began sobbing while packing her up into the car. I was scared to death they were going to admit her.
The doctor in pediatrics urgent care told us we needed to see a specialist the next day to check her intestinal track. After many phone calls Friday morning, trying to get the right appointments, we managed to get in. There were 2 tests she needed to have done - both of which sounded horrible with surgery as the course of action if they came out bad. We were at Kaiser for 5 hours on Friday and 7 hours (with an hour break) on Saturday. On Friday, they did an ultrasound. They were looking to see if the muscle at the end of her stomach was growing too thick - It's not; she's fine. This was a big sigh of relief because they would have admitted her immediately for surgery if she wasn't.
Then, Saturday, we had to feed her at 6:00am and then bring her in - They wanted her stomach to be empty by the time they started the test at 8:45/9:00am. We were scared she would be screaming her head off because of hunger, but at that point, she was ok.
I stayed in the x-ray room with her and helped hold her still while they took pictures. They then gave her a drink of barium and sugar water. The barium is a liquid that shows up on x-rays so they can see where it goes. This way, they know if her intestinal track is working ok. I wish I had the sense of mind to take pictures myself earlier because we could literally see they stuff going into her mouth, down her throat, in through her stomach, and all the way through the system. The first images were the best because you could see her jaw and throat, but I at least got the 2 below.
She's screaming her because it is towards the end of the day and she was very hungry. We were able to feed her after the barium drink, whenever we wanted. However, it wore her out so much that she kept sleeping. She only really woke up when we put her on the x-ray table at 3:45pm (Mind you, we started at 8:30am - We are all very tired!).
So, the results? She is totally fine (from what we have been told so far.) She has NO reflux - like they told us in NICU and even sent her home with drugs for... but never tested. What the doctor who did the exam thinks is we need to feed her less quantity more often. Her stomach is stretching to take in a lot of food, but she is taking a long time to digest it and can't handle large amounts. She also has a lot of gas (and I know I have something to do with it - no more broccoli!) Plus, she had a diaper rash, which has mostly cleared after using desitin. With preemies, the skin is super senstive. So, we can't use diaper wipes (even though they are much more convenient). We have to use cotton or toilet paper and water - and now desitin. We will get more information next week from her doctor. Until then, she's overeating, has bad gas, and has a diaper rash. Oye!
Glad to hear Scarlett's okay! Gas can be really painful. A couple of years ago my son experienced horrible stomach pains that had us running scared to the emergency room, but it turned out to be just gas.
I cant imagine the rollercoaster of emotions you go threw!!! Hang in there girlie!
Young ladies do not have gas!! :) Glad to hear that all is well. I wonder if the doctor's will let you give her Mylicon when she has her "gassy" moments. That stuff saved my boys, it was wonderful when they were both reacting to stuff I ate and passed along to them.
How is Miss Scarlett today? How are you? Hope all is well,
Sending you our love,
Candy and Bob
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