And, last night, I can safely say she slept through the night - went to sleep about 10:30 pm and woke up at 6:15am. Let's hope she is setting a new trend.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Finally in Her Crib
And, last night, I can safely say she slept through the night - went to sleep about 10:30 pm and woke up at 6:15am. Let's hope she is setting a new trend.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Lindsay's Baby Shower
Happy Birthday, Uncle Benj!
Hi Daddy!
School Time
9lbs 5 oz and still growing...
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
8lbs 11oz!
Here is Scarlet with Ragedy Ann:
And here is Scarlet's favorite song:
Scarlet Can Roll Over!
Scarlet is enrolled in school. Literally, she is enrolled in the San Bernardino County School District. She has a Special Education credentialed teacher who comes out once a week (or her assistant) for an hour and works with Scarlet to catch her up developmentally. She will stay with this program until she is caught up - or until she is 3 years old! Unbelievable! Scarlet just couldn't wait to get started on life, so we enrolled her in school. Of course, she has two teachers for parents.
The day after her first day (Registration Day), she actaully rolled over - first one way and then the other. She doesn't like it, so you can hear her complaining - but she can do it!
We reward her with flying through the air and singing - that she does like. It is so great to see her developing and responding so quickly already. This was three weeks ago - and already she is tracking things with her eyes and starting to discover her hands by grabbing and touching things. What a miracle and a blessing school is!
Happy Birthday, Cousin Haley!
It's Been Awhile...
Well, several reasons - When I look at the last post, I realize that probably sums it up - stress. After all, watching your baby turn blue, being told to call 911, riding in an ambulance, and then being told it is simply because I am a new mom - well, it was not something I wish to go through again.
My recent stresses - and reasons for not updating:
1. Honestly - my postpartum depression took a turn for the worse and I am trying to lift myself back up again.
2. Len went back to work. This in some ways was a good thing - a little bit more normal life for both of us. He was home with Scarlet and I for about 5-6 weeks. With him back, he's on more of a schedule and I have more of my summer back - that I lost out on - so I am watching the entire show of Alias, reading, and most of all taking care of Scarlet. When he went back to work, my work somehow calmed down, but doubled.
3. Company - As another attempt at getting back to normal life, we have had people over for dinner. We have really enjoyed the company and look forward to seeing more people.
4. Len's brother and sister-in-law - who is a very dear friend of mine - moved to Georgia with their three kids this week. We have been saying goodbye to them - and I have been having a really hard time letting go. I am sad to see them go, but realize that we will still continue to stay in touch across the miles.
5. I am just really busy. Tuesdays is Parenting Preemies, Wednesdays Scarlet is in school (see above), Thursday is PPD group and breast feeding clinic (yup, still pumping and breastfeeding with a nipple shield. I tell ya, that is extrememly hard, but I know it is the best for her and I am determined not to give up!), and randomly I have other appointments and people to see...
Here is our most recent family photo: