We spent Wednesday, July 29, at Sea World. Scarlet had the time of her life!!! The first thing we did was pile into Shamu Stadium and watch the killer whales. Here is Len and Scarlet waiting for the show. (It was extremely hot!)

You will notice in many of these pictures, Scarlet is holding onto her colorful beads. She usually doesn't have any kind of security object at all. However, at Sea World, I think she was so excited and overwhelmed, that the beads helped soothe her. She hardly ever let them go.

Ah, the Killer Whales!

And, notice Scarlet's hands. This is her way of saying, "I am SO EXCITED!!!"

Uh-Oh - Here comes the whale - and we were sitting in the "Splash Zone!"

Here's Scarlet after the whale splashed her. Oops! Sorry Sweetheart! - But she didn't seem to mind! - In fact, I think it helped cool all of us off. We did taste salty for the rest of the day, though.

Oh my gosh! She loved the penguins. LOVED!

Here's the Arctic Circle. Most people walk through the exhibit part and go straight to the Beluga Whales and Walrus. We took our time though, since there was so much to show Scarlet. In fact, this is her first sight of a helicopter.

She liked the walrus. I think she couldn't believe how big it was.

Ok, it was when she saw these dolphins (which I personally also find to be extremely beautiful), that I realized my daughter might want to become a marine biologist someday. She absolutely loves being in the water and I think taking her to Sea World blew her mind - She learned there are other creatures out there in the world and some of them get to play in the water all the time!

Len wanted to go on this ride,

so, we went to the toddler park. She also got to meet Elmo and Big Bird.

We took the ski lift across the bay. She wasn't too thrilled. She loves the water, but not heights.

Ok, here is her face when she sees the next exhibit. Do you see the excitement? What was she looking at?

Sting Rays!!! And she LOVED LOVED LOVED petting them. (Don't worry - they remove the stingers with no harm to the sting rays or the babies.)

She was so excited, she wanted to get into the pool and play with them!
We also rode the Sky Tower. It was a beautiful view of all of Sea World. Scarlet, however, wanted to crawl around and started to get a little fussy when we wouldn't let her. So, we decided after this it was time to go!!! What a great day we had!

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